This will hopefully be the first of many posts on this important topic.
We recently learned that the St. Louis Metro is suffering from some serious budget shortfalls (they're some $45 million dollars in debt) and will soon begin cutting service across the city. These budget shortfalls are, according to the metro website, a result of "long-term erosion of ... funding sources," including the phasing out of subsidies from the state of Missouri, as well as the costs associated with the Metrolink extension to Shrewsbury. All this, in spite of increased ridership across the region.

As you can see from the yummy pie chart above, exactly 2/3 of Metro's operating budget goes to "Compensation & Benefits." According the Metro, that includes the over 2000 people employed through the city's public trans system. I think this is pretty interesting; Metro's biggest cost is people, not buses. Which makes perfect sense, when you think about it: buses and trains are big, one-time expenses, followed by periodic "services" and touch ups whereas bus and train operators require salaries on an annual basis, in perpetuity.
Some facts from the Metro site :
Fewer Transit Options
If additional funding is not made available, Metro must operate a significantly reduced level of service across all modes. The reduced Metro system may include:
- Increased passenger fares
- Overcrowding on already busy routes
- No Metro service outside of Interstate 270
- No service after 8 p.m.
- Eliminations or reductions of some MetroBus routes
- Service hours and frequency on remaining routes reduced 25-75%
- No special event MetroLink service
- Elimination of Call-A-Ride trips that begin or end outside the reduced service area and operating hours
What this Means for the Region
35% of jobs in St. Louis City and County now served by transit would lose all transit access
50% of St. Louis County residents would have service eliminated
41% of St. Louis City residents would lose at least half their service
MetroBus Service Reductions
Up to 28 of the 60 existing MetroBus routes may be eliminated, including all service outside Interstate 270. In a second phase of reductions, all express bus routes would be eliminated, as would all night service. Some remaining MetroBus routes would be consolidated in efforts to retain some level of service in neighborhoods. The changes to service would take place in two phases, Spring 2009 and Summer 2010. To view the potential changes for each phase, follow the links below.
And for the MetroLink:
MetroLink Service Reductions
MetroLink frequency would be decreased at all times -
- Trains would run every 15 minutes during the peak rush hour on all Branches, rather than every 10 minutes.
- No service after 8 p.m.
- Non-rush hour service would operate every 20 minutes rather than every 15 minutes.
- MetroLink trains would shuttle between the Shrewsbury I-44 and Forest Park-DeBaliviere MetroLink Stations during non-rush hours (trains currently operate from Shrewsbury to Emerson Park in Illinois).
- Extra trains would not be available for Blues, Cardinals and Rams games, and special events like Fair St. Louis and Race for the Cure.
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